Godric Bader holding the award, with his wife, Anne Atkinson-Clark, and Bhikhu Parekh, president of the Gandhi Society. Photo: Tarik Chowdry.

Godric Bader has won the Gandhi Foundation’s International Peace Award

Wellingborough Friend wins peace prize

Godric Bader has won the Gandhi Foundation’s International Peace Award

by Tara Craig 7th November 2014

Godric Bader has won the Gandhi Foundation’s International Peace Award, in recognition of the alternative business model he and his family created, the Scott Bader Commonwealth.

The prize was awarded to Godric jointly with the Commonwealth. The organisation came about in 1951 when the Bader family transferred personal shares in their chemical company, making the workforce trustees-in-common.

The Commonwealth’s structure has an emphasis on cooperation, equitable wealth distribution, charity giving, protection of natural resources and an opposition to taking part in rearmament.

Godric thanked the Gandhi Foundation. He said: ‘I am delighted that the Commonwealth is being acknowledged as a living, working, example, for nearly seventy years, of a struggle to build and demonstrate a viable basis for making a truly democratic and worthwhile working life.

‘Whether in our lab, factory or office, it is our endeavour to live out the 1651 words of George Fox: “To live in the virtue of that life and power that takes away the occasion of all wars”’, he added.

Staff, family and friends attended the presentation in the House of Lords on 30 October.


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