Watch this space: Jenny Webb takes a flyer

‘On the face of it, there is a lot of space in Quakerism.’

'What we have in common with the adherents of all faiths is our shared search for understanding and meaning.' | Photo: by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I have come to a day centre for adults with learning disabilities, to deliver some flyers. The wording reads: ‘A Friendly space in the Earth Café at the Quaker Meeting House. Free tea, coffee, snacks and chat. All welcome – just drop in’. This wording was subject to some discussion. We first thought of ‘warm space’, but realised it might be seen as stigmatising. A ‘friendly space’, on the other hand, sounds, well, friendly. It has the added attraction of being ambiguous, referring as it does to the part the Quakers play in the project.

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