Scenes from Sierra Leone. Photo: Courtesy of Dorothy Crowther.

Dorothy Crowther reports on a post-Ebola visit to Sierra Leone

Visiting Rokel

Dorothy Crowther reports on a post-Ebola visit to Sierra Leone

by Dorothy Crowther 22nd December 2017

Iwas hit by the humidity and heat. It was mid-June. Sweat was trickling down my face and my hair was wet. I noticed that the bag which contained my money, passport and visa had gone sticky and seemed to be melting. Once again, I was visiting Sierra Leone to view the progress of projects linked to the Quaker Peace Network West Africa (QPNWA), the Dorothy Peace Centre and Sidcot School Sierra Leone. The work is taking place in the deprived area of Rokel, which was notorious in the civil war for the number of atrocities committed there.