Turning the Tide

Sue Smith and Denise Drake trace the origins of nonviolence training in the UK

Nonviolent power for social change. | Photo: Turning the Tide.

Turning the Tide (TTT) is a Quaker Peace & Social Witness programme. It supports groups working for social justice and equality to understand and use nonviolent methods in achieving social change. It runs workshops, offers bespoke campaigning support and has a website and online training materials. Many requests are about how to work more effectively together.

Developing campaign strategy and building the alternative is also popular. TTT’s mission is part of the Quaker Peace Testimony. Kiyo Miyamoto, a volunteer TTT facilitator, was fascinated about where nonviolence training came from. ‘Surely,’ she mused, ‘nonviolence training is not simply a good idea that one clever person thought up, or invented overnight.’

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