'Truth is an essential part of a healthy public life, and personal integrity helps create the trust that binds a democracy.' Photo: from Pxhere
Truth ache: The clerks of a new Quaker group make their case
‘This group affirms that “truth” goes beyond mere “truthfulness”: it is a quality of life.’
For some time now the Friend has been publishing concerns about the state of truth and integrity in our country. The 2021 Swarthmore Lecture looked at creating space for truth, and an entire issue of the Friends Quarterly was devoted to the subject. Every so often, a fresh cultural tide sweeps across the nation. It seems we are entering a new and troubling phase in which legislation and regulations are being amended, unwritten conventions ignored, and accepted practices overturned. Standards of truth and integrity are being undermined to the extent that democracy is under threat. In addition – with the backdrop of the climate crisis, Covid and a resistance to scientific findings – social media and the internet enable disinformation and the promulgation of unverifiable narratives.
In response to this crisis what can we, as Quakers, say? Even more important, what can we do? In 2019, Meeting for Sufferings looked at this issue and minuted: ‘We have no doubt about the importance of this concern but only about our capacity.’ It is in this context that the Quaker Truth and Integrity Group has been established.
This group affirms that ‘truth’ goes beyond mere ‘truthfulness’: it is a quality of life. To participate in society is to contribute to, and draw upon, communal norms and understandings. We wish our children to be heirs to a genuine democracy, just as we want them to inherit our beautiful planet. Fundamental to democracy is a sense of trust – in processes and politicians – with a shared vocabulary and discourse. Where this trust is actively undermined, and those in positions of political and commercial influence operate in accordance with norms of their own devising, society becomes divided and unstable.
As a consequence, we see an urgent need to reassess the way in which our public affairs are conducted. The pursuit of individual, commercial or political advantage must be tethered to the pursuit of the common good. We do not support any one political party, but rather aim to encourage truthfulness in all public discourse. We actively support those who stand up for integrity regardless of where they sit on the political spectrum. Truth is an essential part of a healthy public life, and personal integrity helps create the trust that binds a democracy.
To this end we shall be seeking out potential partners from other churches, political and commercial life, the civil service, the professions, academia and the media. Can we – with them – call to account institutions and individuals responsible for practices that fall short of important standards and norms? What measures might be taken to pursue this aim? How can we best support truth in public discourse and acknowledge integrity?
We shall consider these questions in a staggered Zoom conference beginning 25 April. Speakers include Rachel Muers, Ben Wood, Jane Dawson and Molly Scott Cato. All are invited. Participation is free. You can enrol at: http://quakertruth.org. We hope to see you there.
Our concern for truth and integrity must include advice on the use of Social Media. Facebook (now renamed Meta) and its subsidiaries has been exposed as a serious purveyor of misleading and untrue statements with serious consequences. Use of Meta persuades advertisers to pay for insertions. Friends should be advised not use this harmful social media. There are alternatives.
By David Walker on 17th March 2022 - 9:07
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