General Assembly of QCEA will be 'hearing from its Executive Committee about the discernment which led to their decision to terminate the employment of Timmon Wallis'.

Timmon Wallis leaves QCEA in controversial departure

General Assembly of QCEA will be 'hearing from its Executive Committee about the discernment which led to their decision to terminate the employment of Timmon Wallis'.

by Rebecca Hardy 12th November 2021

Timmon Wallis, the new director of Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA), has left his post before completing the probationary period.

The termination of his position, to which he was appointed in March this year, caused controversy on social media, with Timmon Wallis taking to Facebook to express his unhappiness at the situation.

QCEA removed an initial statement on the matter, following what Jeremy Lester, clerk of QCEA, called ‘a storm of misinformation’ circulating on social media.

He said that there was hurt among the staff. The General Assembly of QCEA would be meeting on 12 November, he said, and ‘high in their agenda will be hearing from its Executive Committee about the discernment which led to their decision to terminate the employment of Timmon Wallis’.

A statement will follow shortly after.


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