Thought for the Week: True self

Alex Thomson reflects on our 'True Self'

Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts. Trust them as leadings of God whose Light shows us our darkness and brings new life.

(Advices & queries 1)

What is it to sit in silence, waiting for God? God is always here. Our True Self is always here, waiting for us. Waiting for us to pay attention, to not be distracted by this and that, which seems so important to us. What is important to our True Self?

To realise a prompting of love and truth is wonderful, but can you go further? Can you realise the source of these promptings? There is no separation between God and me, between True Self and me. How could there be? There is that of God in everyone. Where is the separation? It’s me that creates the separation. That is our darkness. The Light is the Light of our True Self. The death of the small me is the birth of our True Self in this world. To manifest True Self is to manifest the Kingdom of Heaven.

A lot of the time we try to become a better self. That’s a good worthwhile step, but to awaken takes more. Some might call it death of the small self, and that sounds scary. What will become of me? Is me going to go quietly? There can then begin an internal battle until there is a surrender of the small self. But there is no need for a battle. It’s about evolving into True Self. True Self loves and in love there is no separation, no division, so True Self holds small self in the light of love until all resistance dissolves.

The small self is sometimes capable of great feats, but sometimes the opposite. Its view is limited. The self is at the centre – being a hero, being a villain, or being a victim or some other story. It is a limited point of view, seeing all that happens as ‘how does it affect me/what am I to do?’ There is an ‘I’ at the centre of a story that
‘I’ am creating.

True Self is who you are when there is no longer a story where ‘I’ am the central character. You are aware of all that is taking place within and around you and your action arises naturally in response to what you are aware of.

We need to learn how to look deeply within, beyond all that arises, no matter how interesting, or right, whatever arises feels. We can look at that later. We need that deep letting go of everything: that dissolving of the small self into True Self, that of God within us.

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