Thought for the Week: Quakers

Anya Nanning Ramamurthy, age 11, shares her poem

I am a Quaker,  it makes me proud!  I’m not a faker,  we are not loud. 

During Meeting, 

we listen to a story.

While reflecting,

we do things that don’t make us worry.

This is a poem I wrote on Sunday 13 January 2013. I wrote the first verse at home and completed it during Children’s Meeting.

At Tottenham’s Children’s Meeting for Worship we begin with the adult lighting a large candle and then one smaller one for each of us. She tells us a story. Then we discuss particular questions. For most of worship we reflect on the story or something in our lives or someone we care about. We can choose to write at the journalling/writing station, or gaze at a candle and small object, or make patterns in the sand, or create with nature items (leaves, twigs, shells, rocks and such)  or Play-doh, or create with collage or paint. I went to the journalling/writing station to carry on with my poem.


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