‘This should concern us all,’ says AFSC
'The American Friends Service Committee has spoken out against the US supreme court’s overturning of the landmark Roe v Wade ruling which made abortion legal in the US in 1973.'
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has spoken out against the US supreme court’s overturning of the landmark Roe v Wade ruling which made abortion legal in the US in 1973. Saying that the new ruling ‘should concern us all’, the AFSC put out a statement declaring that it ‘unequivocally supports reproductive freedom’. It said: ‘The impact of this decision will disproportionately affect low-income, Black and Brown women and people who can become pregnant, migrants, and survivors of sexual violence and further expose them to inhumane, unsafe, and degrading treatment.’
Describing the move as ‘a further erosion of rights’, and opening the door to criminalising access to contraception, interracial and same-sex relationships, AFSC branded it ‘a huge setback to hard won, historic gains in promoting and preserving the rights of all people’.
The statement came out on 24 June as thousands of people across the US took to the streets in protest.
Bridget Moix, general secretary from the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), said last month at Yearly Meeting 2022 that FCNL has Friends from across a ‘broad spectrum of beliefs’ and abortion is identified as a ‘challenge issue’. She said that FCNL’s position on the matter was still being reviewed.