'God counting all my travails and troubles, storing them in some sort of jar...'

Poem by Jonathan Wooding

The Scholar at Cuddesdon

Poem by Jonathan Wooding

by Jonathan Wooding 5th February 2021

I take God out of the dictionary
and listen to G-d’s breathlessness.

There are claims that God’s vocation
is to tell of flittings.

God’ll do that for me, my flitting
to and fro – what, and show me up?

Or is flitting Coverdale’s* word
for today’s groaning – God counting

all my travails and troubles, storing
them in some sort of jar, you know –

Thou tellest my flittings, Psalm 56,
flittings a word that disappears

when English moves into new translation.
Here, I’ve no time for insecurity and doubt.

*Myles Coverdale, translator of the Psalms in 1535.


I love this poem . I feel its an addition ,an expansion, of your earlier poem from last September , Psalm 119. A free association of mine to flittings was Wittgenstein’s picture of philosophy as a way of showing the fly the way out of a bottle .  Can philosophy do that?,can words? ,can a dictionary? or does it need G-d? ,G-d beyond ” God”? I was left asking myself .
Thank you again Jonathan for this subtly crafted , metaphysical, and, to me ,  very evocative piece .

By Neil M on 11th February 2021 - 14:29

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