'as we lie down in the tall tall grass and dream how to build an ark' Photo: by Mark Timberlake on Unsplash

Poem by Geoff Sawers

The long grass

Poem by Geoff Sawers

by Geoff Sawers 15th October 2021

The grass will grow, green and tall
  our children fade from sight

the grass will blow to yellow dust
  all children hold the light

the grass will grow above our heads
  tall children tread it down

young trees may seed beside the road
  spread roots deep into the ground

the trees will reach up to the stars
  each dawn is a blazing star

the stars will turn upon a wheel
  each night but not turn far

wheels turn on an open track
  the dust blows into the west

an owl will call in the long twilight
  as its own young leave the nest

an old man sings in the broken night
  for a child afraid of the dark

as we lie down in the tall tall grass
  and dream how to build an ark


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