The Kindlers adopt new structure
AGM approves changes
Twenty-two people attended The Kindlers annual general meeting (AGM) held recently at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham.
The meeting agreed a new structure for the group, including two treasurers, a fundraiser, an administrator, a publications group and a clerking team of three. The gathering, of which the AGM was part, included an introduction by Sandra Berry, director of Woodbrooke, on the work of the Vibrancy Initiative.
The Kindlers will continue to offer workshops to Local Meetings in 2017, as well as two series in London and Leeds. They also plan to have a presence at Yearly Meeting Gathering in Warwick.
Alec Davison, who originally brought this concern to NW London Area Meeting, commented: ‘These three days of reflection and planning proved to be an inspiring time of consolidation and new directions. The depth of commitment and imagination in our growing team of facilitators will ensure that the originating vision for the project is securely in safe hands. Now the kindling can really begin for the work to take fire.’