'Then The Beloved showed me a picture of / – A beautiful, breathing, flexing Pearl...' Photo: Elinor Smallman.
The email and the picture / The picture and the email
'The email and the picture' / 'The picture and the email' by Mick Bow
The email and the picture
They’ve done it again!
What a ridiculous email!
Don’t they think about others?!!
Why doesn’t someone speak to them?!!!
Then The Beloved showed me a picture of
– A beautiful, breathing, flexing Pearl
– provoked into being by grit.
As if saying…
‘I Am in all things… if you let me be…
…just Open your Eyes’.
The picture and the email
A nice picture, for a two-year-old.
I liked the colours, but the shapes were all wrong.
And as for putting the sun in the sea… well, I ask you!
I pointed this out to him at the time.
I’ve also sent him an email explaining all this.
I do expect better.