The curse of history

Rosalind Mitchell believes that Friends should, sometimes, let history go

Entrance to Swarthmoor Meeting house. | Photo: Photo courtesy of Rosalind Mitchell.

Recently, I walked to Meeting for Worship. Now, I’m sure many Friends do this every week and don’t give it a second thought, but in my case it took me three hours and even longer to return home because I made a small diversion by way of a rural hostelry. There’s still a blister healing up on my left heel, and it’s not an exercise I would care to repeat all that often, especially not in the wet, windy weather so frequent in this part of the world. The truth is that my options for attending Meeting for Worship at all have narrowed considerably in recent years.  Once there was a train, if I didn’t mind a bit of a walk, and there was a bus that almost went door to door; but the early train was withdrawn several years ago and the bus route curtailed so that I needed to walk quite a way just to catch it. Then, over a year ago, the bus was replaced by one that no longer goes near the Meeting house. It leaves a long uphill walk that means I might not get to Meeting in time.

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