The changing landscape

Mike Nellis reports on the recent Quakers in Criminal Justice conference

'...we shouldn't have the system' | Photo: Quote from Nick McGeorge

‘Change’ has been a theme of Quakers in Criminal Justice (QICJ) conferences before, but perhaps never more appositely than now, when across-the-board policy shifts are significantly changing criminal justice structures in England and Wales. The recent QICJ conference, held at Woodbrooke on 21-23 February, addressed ‘The Changing Landscape of the Criminal Justice System’. Three informative plenary sessions, plus workshops covering support for prisoners’ families, the decriminalisation of drugs, and responses to race hate crime did not convince us that these changes were right. However, we were inspired by released lifer Geoff Hammond’s experience of voluntarily returning to prison to help other violent men change their lives.

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