‘Tax Justice Sunday’ worship
Woodbrooke tutor led all-age Meeting for Worship on tax justice theme
A Woodbrooke tutor, Val Jenner, led a Quaker all-age Meeting for Worship themed around tax justice to mark Tax Justice Sunday. The member of Selly Oak Meeting said the Zoom session on 14 June drew on material about tax avoidance provided by Church Action for Tax Justice (CATJ) and child-friendly activities guided by the Meeting’s Children’s Committee.
‘We thought about activities that younger children might like and what our strengths were to facilitate these’, she said in a blog about the event on the CATJ website. ‘For example one is an artist so she led a group in painting and drawing, another is an accountant so he was part of a discussion group. We also agreed we wanted to bring it back to everyone’s experience in lockdown – people’s needs and the experiences of sharing and kindness that we have had in different ways.’