A witness has emerged from a peace vigil held last month

Taunton Friends lobby MPs on peace and climate

A witness has emerged from a peace vigil held last month

by Rebecca Hardy 11th October 2024

Taunton Quakers have urged local Quakers to write to their MPs highlighting the links between militarism and climate injustice. 

The witness emerged from a vigil for peace Taunton Friends held as part of the Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice last month. John Ainsworth told the Friend: ‘Although our numbers were small we had interest from several passers-by and are encouraging those in our Area Meeting to write to their MPs on the subject using the template suggested. We continue to have publicity in our Meeting house.’

Taunton Friends hold a vigil for peace on the fourth Wednesday of each month, normally only displaying a Quakers for Peace banner. ‘As our September vigil occurred during the [week of action], we added placards highlighting how the two issues interconnect.’ 

The Global Week of Action sought to highlight facts including that the world’s wealthiest countries had failed to provide $100 billion in promised climate finance to help countries adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate breakdown. Meanwhile, in 2023 global military spending increased for the ninth year running to $2,443 billion. Experts estimate that the world’s militaries are responsible for 5.5 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. 


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