Quaker in Geneva criticise Swiss banking and financial systems

Swiss banks criticised

Quaker in Geneva criticise Swiss banking and financial systems

by Symon Hill 27th January 2012

Friends in Geneva have strongly criticised Switzerland’s banking and financial systems. Geneva Monthly Meeting said that institutions in their city are responsible for ‘acute social and economic difficulties now experienced around the world’.

They made the comments in a statement on Monday, 23 January, in which they expressed support for the global ‘Occupy’ movement.

Geneva Friends criticised Swiss banking secrecy and accused western governments of responding to recession with policies designed to ‘preserve the current international financial system’. They said the ‘weak and vulnerable’ would pay the ‘main price’.

Geneva’s role in food speculation also came under attack. Speculation by banks on the cost of food has been linked to a global rise in food prices by a number of non-governmental organisations (NGO), particularly the World Development Movement.

Quakers in London are preparing to participate in a multifaith ‘Sermon on the Steps’ of St Paul’s Cathedral on Sunday, organised by Occupy London Stock Exchange.

Following a court order last week, the camp faces eviction on or after 27 January, although the Corporation of London have said they will not act before 31 January. Over 300 people, including a number of Quakers, have signed up to join a multifaith ‘circle of prayer’ around the camp if it faces forced eviction by bailiffs or police.


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