Eden Grace. Photo: Courtesy of Woodbrooke.

The 2019 Swarthmore Lecture will be given by Eden Grace

Swarthmore lecturer 2019 announced

The 2019 Swarthmore Lecture will be given by Eden Grace

by Rebecca Hardy 9th November 2018

Woodbrooke has announced the name of the Swarthmore lecturer for 2019. Eden Grace, global ministries director for Friends United Meeting, will explore the ‘spiritual basis for climate justice’. The title of the lecture will be ‘On Earth as it is in Heaven; The Kingdom of God and the yearning of Creation’.

According to Woodbrooke, she will talk about how Quakers are called to witness the condition of the planet and ‘the part they have to play in changing the world so that destructive power dynamics are overturned and the most marginalised are empowered’.

Eden Grace is responsible for overseeing Friends United Meeting’s work in eleven countries on four continents and will bring in stories from people directly affected by climate change.

Terry Oakley, clerk of the Swarthmore Lecture Committee, said that he hoped her lecture will encourage Friends to think theologically about their mission to care for the world ‘at a time when the need to act is increasingly urgent’.


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