Sustainability - What canst we do?

In the fourth of our series on sustainability, Anthony Woolhouse shares his experience of how an old gravel pit was transformed

'The produce of the earth is a gift...' | Photo: John Woolman, 1772

Minute 36, the outcome of a gathering of Friends at the campus of the University of Kent at Canterbury in 2011, set out our commitment to becoming a sustainable low-carbon society.  In her inspirational Swarthmore Lecture in 2011 Pam Lunn started us on a journey. None of us know where it will take us but in the deep recesses of our hearts we know it is the right journey. In her talk Pam said:  ‘This is potentially a moment in history when Quakers are needed – needed to be faithful to Quaker testimonies; needed to be visible, to be speaking out, to be offering leadership; needed to do what is right in the face of external pressing circumstances. To use Gandhi’s phrase, Quakers – individually and corporately – need and are needed to “be the change [we] wish to see in the world”.’

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