Sustainability - Responding to Canterbury

Jill Green and Sandra Figgess, continuing our series on sustainability, reflect on how, at a personal and practical level, they have responded to the commitment made in Minute 36

'The washing line works well on the right day and we have an airer indoors for the others.' | Photo: Photo: Alison Christine / flickr CC.

Firstly, we must acknowledge that most Friends were much further on, in August 2011 at Canterbury, than we were in demonstrating, practically, their commitment to sustainability. Secondly, that our decisions were based on our particular financial circumstances (we were not poor) and the fact that we are both semi-retired. This means that we are blessed with being able to work from home. Everyone must find their own way to making this demonstration. This is merely ours. We hope that other people may be minded to share their personal journeys too.

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