Friends in Swanwick. Photo: Ruth Davey.

Friends met in Swanwick for Britain Yearly Meeting's sustainability conference

Sustainability concern brings Friends together

Friends met in Swanwick for Britain Yearly Meeting's sustainability conference

by Tara Craig 25th March 2016

One hundred and five Friends met in Swanwick, Derbyshire, from 18 to 20 March for Britain Yearly Meeting’s sustainability gathering.

The event had three threads: practical change, spiritual dimensions and strengthening communities.

The first thread looked at how Friends could make their own lives and Quaker activities more sustainable, and the second at engaging with the spiritual dimensions of climate change. The third thread examined how to make communities ‘places of mutual support, collaboration, challenge, laughter and celebration, both within the Religious Society of Friends and with others’.

The gathering included short talks, worship and workshops. It was the second such event since the 2011 Britain Yearly Meeting Gathering in Canterbury, where Friends committed to becoming a low-carbon, sustainable community.


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