‘I found it invaluable to understand more about the spiritual side of ageing.’ Photo: Book cover of Still Love Left: Faith and hope in later life, by Michael Jackson

Author: Michael Jackson. Review by Andy Stoller

Still Love Left: Faith and hope in later life, by Michael Jackson

Author: Michael Jackson. Review by Andy Stoller

by Andy Stoller 21st May 2021

This 100-page book is an essential for our ageing Society. It will be an invaluable asset to our elders and ‘caring and supportive Friends’ (or whatever is replacing the name of overseers), or just anyone who is approaching later life with some trepidation. It changed my view from fearing the coming years to one of being positive, hopeful and still being able to make the most of the on-coming stages of life. It is in no way a heavy read, despite its subject, which is approached with empathy, humour, compassion and wisdom.

Michael Jackson gained a great deal of experience working with the elderly at St John’s in Winchester, a unique charity working in residential and nursing care, looking after the physically frail and those with dementia. He also had the personal insight of looking after his parents as they aged. Michael is a retired Anglican priest, which brings a Christian (yet inclusive) perspective.

This book is peppered with a multitude of encouraging stories, poems, quotes and anecdotes (the many references to other works can be followed up through the bibliography or the notes). It includes a gamut of accumulated wisdom, ranging from The Beatles, Shakespeare and UA Fanthorpe to Richard Holloway. It is related in a down-to-earth and sympathetic manner. I found it invaluable to understand more about the spiritual side of ageing. I learned how we can appreciate what we already have – and what we can still give – through learnt experience. The book is split into three sections: ‘Past’, ‘Present’ and ‘Future’. The short but full chapters have explicit titles such as ‘Reconciliation’, ‘Wisdom’, ‘Growth’ and ‘Acceptance’, and it does not shy away from one on ‘Death’.

Still Love Left helps us come to terms with facing our own lives and personal history. The myriad of losses and ‘little deaths’ are explicitly covered, from having to downsize and part with familiar possessions, to the loss of our individual identity and the inevitable and painful bereavements of friends and loved ones. Facing declining health is challenging too, but Michael demonstrates how small gestures and acts of kindness can bring comfort, blessing and solace, and how through these and prayer it is possible to come closer to God.

I gave this book to an elderly Friend in our Meeting who had asked for a Meeting for Clearness to help him come to terms with facing the possibly difficult years ahead. He found that he valued Michael’s vision and it challenged him to explore in greater depth.

Make this a book for your Meeting house library. There is something uplifting and encouraging about facing the later years of your life while still following and deepening your spiritual journey on the way.


I shall obtain this book and thinkour Meeting librarian willl do so as well.
Thhaks for the review.

By alisonkf on 20th May 2021 - 17:12

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