'Pilgrimage is a time of mediation, atonement and joy.' Photo: by Kitera Dent on Unsplash
Step up: Peter Belton proposes a pilgrimage to COP26
‘Acting together can make truth prevail.’
Friends will know that the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) will take place in Glasgow this November. These talks are about concerted global action on climate change. It is vital that our nations commit to radical change. The challenges are huge and, for an individual, it is very difficult to see how one could contribute in a significant way. But as Quaker history has shown, acting together can make truth prevail.
One way is by contributing collectively in a pilgrimage to Glasgow. Not by walking or cycling all the way but by joining others in covering a short distance en route to Glasgow. Friends in Norwich are developing this idea in collaboration with the Norwich diocese.
We propose that Friends start from their local Meeting house and walk, or travel in other appropriate ways, in relays to another Meeting house or place of worship. The first group of Friends would walk or travel some distance towards the next Meeting house; another group of Friends from the same Meeting house would meet them and would carry on for the next stage, and so on. Another way would be for the groups of Friends not to meet but, at some convenient time, the second group would go to the place where the first group stopped and continue on the next stage. This process would continue until the entire distance was covered.
Some Friends may feel they cannot participate because of infirmity. They can be included in a number of ways. They might consider using public transport, or offer refreshment to those who are walking or cycling, or help with organisation or publicity. In this way Friends from all over the country could be part of the entire pilgrimage, in which every Meeting would be involved. Some Friends, of course, may wish to do much more, and there will be local variations. Obviously publicity will be important.
In addition, each participating Friend would be asked to carry a letter addressed to some person of influence stressing the need for action and a real commitment to change. These letters would be posted in the town of each Meeting house at which a group of pilgrims arrive. This would ensure a constant flow of letters arriving during the whole period of the pilgrimage. Pilgrimage is a time of mediation, atonement and joy. It should be a spiritual exercise in which we walk cheerfully over the world to demonstrate our commitment to our testimonies.
There are some practical points. October and November are not the best times for walking, and publicity and pressure from letters needs to be felt well before the event. The whole pilgrimage will also take a considerable time so midsummer may be a good time to start. External publicity is vital in order to increase public awareness of the issue and Friends may need some suggestions about how to get it by using press releases, stunts etc. We also need to make sure that Friends are safe so advice about safe walking is needed.
For further info email him directly at peter.belton2@ntlworld.com.