Step towards single London AM
‘All the Area Meetings are ready to move.’ London Quakers on the commitment to forming a single Area Meeting for London.
The seven Area Meetings (AMs) of London have responded to an Invitation to Commit to forming a single AM for London.
‘All the AMs are ready to move towards creating a single AM for London, though they have varying senses of how fast this should happen,’ said the London Quakers group in a statement.
‘All seven are also willing to proceed towards creating a single charity, with a single trustee body, bringing together the AMs, with most also wanting to include London Quakers Property Trust and London Quakers. It is clear that there is much worship, threshing and discernment still to be done among all the Friends of London as we develop this proposal further.’
The Pan London Governance (PLG) Steering Group met on 12 October to consider the responses and next steps. More information can be found on the London Quakers website and PLG page (