Scottish Friend meets first minister

Pamala McDougall, General Meeting for Scotland representative, met with Nicola Sturgeon

Members of ACTS with Nicola Sturgeon, Pamala is on the far right. | Photo: Courtesy of ACTS.

Pamala McDougall, General Meeting for Scotland representative Friend, was among members of ACTS (Action of Churches Together in Scotland) who met first minister Nicola Sturgeon late last year.

Refugees, climate justice and welfare reforms were top of the agenda, and the first minister voiced her appreciation of the churches’ role in welcoming the refugees. Nicola Sturgeon told the group that ‘more refugees should be offered sanctuary, especially in Scotland’, Pamala reported to the Friend.

The first minister also agreed to sign a personal pledge to reduce her carbon footprint.

‘There was just time to cover some of the aspects of welfare reform and the implications of new powers coming to Scotland, including the churches’ support for retaining the Human Rights Act, before ending the meeting in prayer,’ Pamala said.

She added: ‘Perhaps my most valuable contribution was the gift I gave to the first minister of a copy of Advices & queries, with sections underlined covering the topics we had discussed. I hope she has time to read it.’

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