Changes to civil partnerships in England & Wales

Same-sex marriage update

Changes to civil partnerships in England & Wales

by Jez Smith 21st January 2010

Crucial questions about Quaker marriage procedure remain open as Friends continue to work on revisions to the marriage chapter of Quaker faith and practice.  The revision was triggered by last year’s decision to carry out same-sex marriage on the same basis as mixed-sex marriage. Friends will seek unity on the wording of the chapter at Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) 2011.

But there is no doubt about the basic decision. At an update at this year’s BYM, Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) emphasised that ‘revision of Chapter 16 is not necessary before same-sex marriages can take place’. Registering officers are receiving interim advice.
Questions that MfS are considering include ‘whether some degree of legal recognition… should be required at or before a Quaker marriage’ and ‘whether we need to recognise a separation process for when marriage breaks down’.

The recording clerk, Gillian Ashmore, reported on the campaign that saw parliament vote in April to allow religious elements in civil partnerships in England and Wales. Friends worked alongside other faith groups and organisations to achieve this change. The process showed Quakers ‘can work well in partnership with like-minded churches’, said Gillian.

BYM staff are liaising with government on how the law will work in practice, while supporting Scottish Friends in lobbying their own parliament. Gillian added, ‘Beyond that will come the longer wait to seize opportunities to achieve full legal equality for same-sex marriages’. Many Friends thanked those involved in the campaign for their hard work.

But several Friends expressed concern that some Quakers who are not comfortable with same-sex marriage had been treated in ‘an unquakerly way’. While some spoke of the need for ‘tenderness’ towards those who disagree, one Friend found the word patronising, saying ‘I don’t want to be treated tenderly’.

BYM agreed to ‘encourage Meetings to find ways in which views can be shared in a safe and supportive environment’. It was explained that Quaker Life was working hard to support Friends and Meetings struggling with the issue.


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