Riots: the challenge

Eleanor Nesbitt considers how to find ‘that of God’ in the rioters and their actions

The morning of 10 August brought phone calls from anxious friends in India asking ‘How are you?’ Are you all right?’ One caller is a Tibetan woman in Dharamsala. Once she had established that my family and I were not in danger she told me about the current suffering of monks and others in Tibet.  I was moved that a friend whose people have so courageously suffered so much for so long was concerned about me in the UK. I was saddened at the power of the media to spread, instantaneously, around the globe images of looting and burning buildings and vehicles, as the now indelible images of my country. My husband watches news programmes daily on NDTV (India’s equivalent of the BBC) and I had watched an Indian reporter in Tottenham interviewing upset passers-by.

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