Return of the Young Quaker Podcast
The second series of the Young Quaker Podcast has begun
The Young Quaker Podcast has launched its second season with an episode exploring the future of Quakerism.
The episode Shaping society and The Society: young Quakers and the future, released on 22 October, features a Young Friend talking about the value of movement and exercise within faith.
There is also a discussion with Matt Alton, one of the Eva Koch scholars at Woodbrooke, about his research into what changes could be made to reduce the current barriers to Quakerism.
Jessica Hubbard-Bailey, who hosts the podcast, told the Friend the episode ‘focuses on the ways in which young adult Friends can and are changing Quakerism, and the world more generally, to create more inclusive and welcoming spaces for all’.
She added: ‘Future episodes this season will include topics such as pacifism, Quakers in the wider world, an LGBT+ special and young adult Friends at Woodbrooke.’