Judy Kirby reports on developments that may bring same-sex marriage a step closer

Religious service for Civil Partnerships draws nearer

Judy Kirby reports on developments that may bring same-sex marriage a step closer

by Judy Kirby 25th February 2010

Support is gathering behind the amendment to the Equality Bill presented by gay Labour peer lord Alli that would lift the ban on Civil Partnerships taking place in religious premises.  After an earlier defeat, lord Alli is trying again in the House of Lords on Tuesday, when Anglican bishops are expected to give support to his amendment. Quakers made the running on this issue when they agreed at their yearly meeting last summer to treat same-sex committed relationships the same as opposite sex ones, stopping short of asking Quaker registrars to break the law.

Liberal Judaism and Unitarians have joined the Quakers in calling on the government to allow a change in the law permitting same-sex couple to have their partnerships registered in churches, synagogues and other religious premises and to enjoy religious language in the ceremony.

Gillian Ashmore, recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting the main Quaker body commented: ‘Lord Alli’s amendment to the Equality Bill will end the ban on using religious premises and religious language for civil partnerships. It will provide the choice for same sex couples of a religious ceremony as is already enjoyed by opposite sex couples. Along with Unitarians, Liberal Judaism and others, we welcome the support for that amendment. We are encouraged by the government’s willingness to listen, consult and consider.’


For many years, my homosexual orientation left me in a spiritual wilderness, not acceptable to the traditional church of my upbringing and confused as to whether I was acceptable to a loving God. In my 60’s, Quakers have given me back my spiritual life and a renewed and happy commitment to opening to the Spirit in every area of my life. Two years ago I entered into a civil partnership - a transaction which was simply an opportunity for my partner and me to take the best care of each other that we could. What was far and away more important to us both was the celebration of our partnership in a Meeting for Worship where we were able to declare our spiritual commitment in the care of the Meeting. Ours was the first such MfW in our Area Meeting, and we were deeply moved by the unexpected outpouring of love and celebration from our own LM and others across the Area. The reasons why I believe that full equality in regard to same sex relationships being able to have a religious ceremony is essential are that it affirms that of God in everyone, that Divine Love makes no distinction on the grounds of gender, and that anything else provides a wedge which is the beginning of dissension, division and pain.

By TWQuaker on 25th February 2010 - 11:28

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