'These dandelions – no show girls but they know how to pop up where they’re not wanted' Photo: by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash


by Jennie Osborne 17th February 2023

These dandelions – no show girls
but they know how to pop up
where they’re not wanted
go on, do your worst
on tarmac and paving stone
Parliament Square, Waterloo Bridge
padlocked into earth with combination roots
go on, arrest me
not ashamed to flaunt
the green rosette around their petals
rewilding the conurbation
raising the question of offence
with ranks of blue lawnmowers
doing their job, keeping order.

And in the borders, doing what they do
and in orchards and gardens beyond
the healing herbs, berry bushes,
apple and peartrees sending their fruit –
in every open space, every town centre
they’re flowering in solidarity
clematis clinging on, geraniums
making a statement, even
under the hedges, a host
of violets quietly clicking send.


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