Friends with the 'Shine a Light on Climate Justice' candle. Photo: Photo: Fiona Murdoch.

Friends held a candle-lit vigil to mark Earth Hour

Rathfarnham Friends shine a light on climate justice

Friends held a candle-lit vigil to mark Earth Hour

by Tara Craig 8th April 2016

Rathfarnham Meeting in Dublin hosted members of the local community at a candle-lit vigil for Earth Hour last month.

Around twenty people took part in the hour-long vigil, which included readings and reflections about the environment and prayers for climate justice.

Rathfarnham Friend Fiona Murdoch helped organise the vigil. She said: ‘By taking part in Earth Hour, we are standing in solidarity with people throughout the world who are already impacted by climate change, especially in developing countries where millions are suffering from poverty and famine caused by extreme weather events’.

A special ‘Shine a Light on Climate Justice’ candle was present during the event. The three-foot tall candle was specially commissioned last year by Eco-Congregation Ireland (an ecumenical environmental project of the Irish Inter-Church Meeting). The candle will be taken to a different church throughout Ireland each week.

Earth Hour, which sees millions of people across the globe switch off their lights for an hour at 8.30pm local time on a particular day, is the world’s largest annual day of environmental action.


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