Rajagopal steps back
Rajagopal PV steps down from his role in Ekta Parishad
Rajagopal PV, the inspirational leader of Ekta Parishad (United Forum) in India, has decided to step down from his role in the movement.
The sixty-five-year-old leader has had a close connection with Quakers in Britain and gave a powerful presentation at the Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) conference in Swanwick in August 2010.
Quakers have supported events organised by Rajagopal in villages in India and also participated in the large scale marches of Janadesh in 2007 and Jansatyagraha in 2012. Rajagopal explained, in a letter entitled ‘Back to the villages’ written to his supporters in Europe, that in the future he will concentrate on nonviolence training.
He writes: ‘After Jansatyagraha 2012, Ekta Parishad has taken a new direction that we call “back to villages”. Each activist will be required to now go back to villages to strengthen the community organisation and also work at improving the local economy. They can use many years of their experience in this action with fresh energy and I will continue to support them in their efforts.’
Stuart Morton, of Central England Area Meeting, is convenor of the Quaker South Asia Interest Group. He explained: ‘Rajagopal’s great love remains the nonviolent empowerment of the “younger generation” which, from my observation in India over an eight year period, seems to include fourteen to thirty-eight year olds! Building on work in progress he aims to “develop two centres for imparting training in nonviolence”.
‘Resisting and opposing the market oriented and greed centred globalisation process through nonviolent methods is a huge challenge,’ Rajagopal said. ‘I think we have the responsibility to support and guide the process in whatever way we can. Ekta Parishad’s website is www.ektaparishad.com.’
Correction 10/07/2013: In ‘Rajagopal steps back’ (News, 5 July) the final quote was incorrectly attributed to Stuart Morton instead of Rajagopal PV.