Rainbows within rainbows
The most recent gathering of the Quaker Lesbian Group had the theme 'Rainbows within rainbows'
The theme for the most recent gathering of the Quaker Lesbian Group, held at Leicester Friends Meeting House in late September, was ‘Rainbows within Rainbows’. It was explored in workshops, group exercises and conversations.
Jill Jesshope, of Wiltshire and East Somerset Area Meeting, said: ‘We were blessed with a weekend that was beautifully autumnal and seventeen of us women enjoyed the space available in the Meeting house and garden. Some of us also visited local places of interest, including the site where king Richard III’s remains were discovered.’
She added: ‘We also looked at the Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship’s recently published consultation document, which we found raised challenging questions as to our own organisation and its way forward.
‘We considered the possibility that our two groups might form closer connections in the future, whilst recognising the importance of maintaining our own separate identity as a group for lesbians only. Contact can be made via our email address: qlgfriends@gmail.com.’
The Quaker Lesbian Group is open to Quakers and those in sympathy with their ethos. It meets twice yearly for weekend gatherings.