Some of the protestors. Photo: Photo: Nobuhiko Ono.
Quakers witness for peace
Quakers took part in a national anti-war demonstration held in London
Quakers were among those who took part in a national anti-war demonstration held in London on Saturday 4 October.
Before joining the Stop Bombing Iraq march, the fifteen-strong group met in Temple Place for Meeting for Worship.
Chris Gwyntopher, from Wanstead Meeting told the Friend: ‘I felt part of a powerful gathered Meeting, despite being close to a large and fairly noisy crowd and finding myself doorkeeper, banner-holder and elder. The still small voice sometimes is clearer in times of upheaval.’
The group carried a ‘Quakers for Peace’ banner provided by Friends House staff, with one of them holding up a poster which said: ‘Only peaceful, just methods can create peace and justice’. He told the Friend that a stranger shook his hand warmly on reading this.
The speeches opposite Downing Street were preceded by a minute’s silence in remembrance of relief worker Alan Henning, whose beheading by an ISIS member had been on that morning’s news.