Quakers will hold leaders to account
Britain Yearly Meeting pledges to ask politicians searching questions
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has pledged that it will be asking politicians searching questions in the run-up to the general election, as well as cautioning about ‘the nature of the debate’.
‘Quakers are concerned by the violent language being used in the political arena,’ it said. ‘They call on everyone involved in the general election to listen to each other, seek the truth and seek common ground from which to move forward.’ Of particular concern, it said, are other key areas: the climate crisis: migration; criminal justice; and peace and disarmament.
According to BYM, ‘humanity needs leaders of integrity and conscience, ready to be held to account by individuals and institutions, national and international’. It said the general election on 12 December is ‘an opportunity to influence future decision-makers’.
A number of Quakers are expected to stand for election and the Friend will be reporting this news as it develops.
Kings Lynn Quaker George Gawlinski spoke on BBC Norfolk this week on how faith bodies can speak truth to power and advocate for the marginalised during the election period.
Friends can follow Quaker engagement with politicians on Twitter via @PoliticalQuaker and @ScotPolQuaker.