Quakers share diversity work
'An Eva Koch scholarship project aims to investigate what work Friends in Europe are doing in the area of anti-racism.'
Quakers have been sharing news of their diversity work for a major survey.
An Eva Koch scholarship project aims to investigate what work Friends in Europe are doing in the area of anti-racism.
The survey follows Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM)’s recent emphasis on the issue, with three minutes relating to racism and diversity.
Kate McNally, who is organising the survey, told the Friend: ‘This project hopes to survey as many Local and Area Meetings in BYM as possible to ask about what work they might be doing or considering in response to these minutes.
‘The results will be collected into a report to be presented at the beginning of February 2023, and possibly published in Quaker publications. It is also possible that people doing similar work may be connected to form a network of support for anti-racism work.’
She added: ‘So far the response rate is only about fifteen per cent of LMs and AMs, and (of course) an unknown percentage of individuals and groups. I think partly this is because Friends are waiting for Meetings for Business before they respond. In any case, we appreciate the work that Friends are doing.’
A recurring issue, she said, is that ‘many Friends are not clear about whether or not individuals can fill it in, or whether groups other than Meetings can do it. In fact, it is open to anyone doing this work, and the “other” option (in question one) gives a place for individuals or non-Meeting groups to give their information. It would help me, though, if the “other” responders would also put the Meeting(s) where they are members.’
The questionnaire can be found at https://bit.ly/eksurveykm or Friends can email Kate McNally at antiracism83@gmail.com. The survey will close on 30 November.