Friends from across Europe have organised a week-long presence outside the Eurosatory arms fair

Quakers protest against Paris arms fair

Friends from across Europe have organised a week-long presence outside the Eurosatory arms fair

by Rebecca Hardy 15th June 2018

Quakers from France, Finland, Holland, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Ireland and the UK came together this month to form a strong protest against the Eurosatory arms fair in Paris.

The Quaker campaign group ‘Stop Fuelling War – Cessez d’alimenter la guerre’ organised a week-long presence outside the event from 11-15 June, to ‘witness to and present alternatives to militarisation’.

Karina Knight-Spencer, from the group, told the Friend: ‘Eurosatory in Paris is the largest arms fair in Europe, challenging DSEI, and is the visible tip of the iceberg of militarisation. We want to raise awareness about arms sales and their effects on politics and war. Our goal is to promote peace-building as a means of reducing insecurity.’ In the long term, they hope to transform the arms fair into a place that highlights peacebuilding methods which, at the moment, are not represented.

Actions taken included a public event with music and ‘fun activities’ on 9 June and a preparation workshop on 10 June. There was a silent ‘Procession for Peace’ and ten-minute silent witness on 11 June from the offices of the organisations Goupement des Industries de Défense et Sécurité Terrestres et Réroterrestres (GICAT) and Commissariat Général des Expositions et Salons (COGES) which promote Eurosatory, to the tomb of the unknown soldier at the Arc de Triomphe.

According to Stop Fuelling War, France is currently the third largest arms exporter in the world. Karina Knight-Spencer said that following a report commissioned by Amnesty International and Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (ACAT), there will be a parliamentary inquiry on French arms sales to Saudi Arabia.


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