A one day conference addressed banking issues

Quakers address state of banking system

A one day conference addressed banking issues

by The Friend Newsdesk 7th October 2016

A one day conference on the state of the banking system was held at Friends House, London, on Saturday 1 October.

The event was organised by London Quakers and attracted around 100 people. In the morning session David Shirreff, economic journalist and author of Break up the Banks!, talked about what banks do, what they are not doing and what they could become.

In the afternoon session Fran Boait, executive director of Positive Money, Neil Hewitt, of Triodos Bank, and Cait Crosse, of Quaker Peace & Social Witness, considered ways forward. This was followed by a lively question and answer session.

Eleri Pengelly, of Purley Meeting, said: ‘During the day Friends considered some of the key issues and concerns, such as the creation of money, and talked about models that offered a radical alternative to the status quo.’


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