Quaker testimonies and the challenge of climate change

As Yearly Meeting Gathering discusses the ways we can change our lives to sustain the world we live in, Tom Greeves describes a visit by the Living Witness Project to his Area Meeting

The Drumderg wind farm from the Alyth Hill. | Photo: Shandchem/flickr CC

Global warming is one of several very critical interacting issues facing us, including the extinction of species, the loss of biodiversity, diminishing resources (both non-renewable and renewable), pollution from waste and emissions due to over population, excessive consumption and the lack of responsibility of us humans.  But if the global family of humankind can work together to overcome this dire situation, it could lead to a better and more peaceful life for us all. The Living Witness team have been visiting Meetings around the country to help Friends think through ‘The Spiritual Roots of our 10:10 Commitment’. Central England Area Meeting was visited by the team and a number of aspects were covered. The one that I found particularly helpful was on the links between our Quaker testimonies and the challenges facing humanity as a result of our careless emission of greenhouse gases. These are leading us towards a global warming, which could have very serious impacts on all life on our planet Earth.

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