Quaker takes the plunge
Trevor Jaggar completes a sponsored swim to raise funds to tackle malaria
An eighty-six-year-old Quaker has completed a 170-length sponsored swim to raise funds to tackle malaria. Trevor Jaggar, of Uxbridge Meeting, was inspired to take the plunge after attending an interfaith event run by Malaria No More.
The organisation said that the £800 raised would be used to support life-saving programmes in Ghana, where the entire population is at risk. The swim took place in the run-up to World Malaria Day on 25 April.
Trevor witnessed the effects of malaria at first hand when working in Tanzania. He said: ‘One of the worst sights in the world is seeing a small child dying from malaria. What makes it so hard is that malaria is a preventable and treatable disease so every life lost is needless.’
Charlotte Dando of Malaria No More, who belongs to Wandsworth Meeting, described Trevor as ‘a real inspiration’. She told the Friend that his story had captured the attention of several faith communities, adding ‘I hope that I can swim as far when I’m in my eighties!’