‘Quaker Quicks’: the first book is out now
The first volume in a new series of books about Quakerism has just been published
The first volume in a new series of books about Quakerism has just been published.
Quaker Roots and Branches by John Lampen is part of the new ‘Quaker Quicks’ series by Christian Alternative, an imprint of John Hunt Publishing. Six books have been commissioned so far.
John Hunt said the series was devised because: ‘Quakers have something important to say, particularly at the moment.’
The series and the first book will be launched at the Quaker Centre inFriends House on 11 October.
The other five books under contract, which are about 20,000 words each, include: What do Quakers Believe? by Geoffrey Durham, Why I am a pacifist by Tim Gee, The Guided Life by Craig Barnett, Money and Soul by Pamela Haines and Telling the Truth about God by Rhiannon Grant.
Jennifer Kavanagh told the Friend that she is working on a book for the series, called Practical Mystics, but has not yet submitted it to the publishers.