Theo Tulley passes

Quaker physicist dies

Theo Tulley passes

by Symon Hill 4th February 2011

Scientists and peace campaigners have been paying tribute to the Quaker physicist Theo Tulley, who has died aged 92.

Theo Tulley became a Quaker in his twenties and was a conscientious objector in the second world war. Working at Hull Royal Infirmary from 1948, he pioneered the use of medical physics. The Tulley Medical Physics Building was opened in Hull in 2004.

His daughter Deborah Wilkinson, writing in the Guardian, emphasised that ‘his deep commitment to pacifism, Quaker practice and socialism was the foundation of his life’.

Theo was a political activist and school governor in Hull, where he and his wife Alice set up a centre for abused women. His enthusiasm for information technology means that Hull Quakers have what must be one of the few websites to be produced by someone in his nineties.


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