The trial of Sam Walton is due to start on 24 October

Quaker peace campaigner on trial in Burnley

The trial of Sam Walton is due to start on 24 October

by Harry Albright 27th October 2017

The trial of Quaker campaigner Sam Walton, who along with Methodist minister Dan Woodhouse is charged with criminal damage for their attempt to disarm warplanes being sold to Saudi Arabia, was due to start on 24 October in Burnley Magistrates’ Court. The trial was expected to last three days.

At a pre-trial hearing last week in Blackburn Magistrates’ Court the judge decided not to allow the evidence of their last remaining expert witness, Andrew Feinstein. ‘We’re disappointed in this decision to say the least,’ said Sam Walton, ‘but we will still be able to conduct our defence.’

Along with the criminal charges, the police and the Crown Prosecution Service have applied for a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) on the two defendants. A CBO is normally given to more serious offenders, who engage in criminal activity as well as anti-social behaviour.


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