Meeting for Worship outside nuclear base gets positive response

Quaker Meetings at Aldermaston

Meeting for Worship outside nuclear base gets positive response

by Symon Hill 30th March 2012

Quakers holding Meeting for Worship at the Aldermaston nuclear base have received an unusually positive response from its employees.

Friends met outside the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) in Berkshire on 13 March, for the first time since the end of last year. They worshipped while holding placards reading ‘Quakers Against Trident’ and ‘Cut Trident and Save the NHS’.

Meetings for Worship have long been held at Aldermaston, but on this occasion Friends were surprised by the number of people making thumbs-up signs as they drove home from the base.

Participant Sarah Lasenby told the Friend: ‘We always get some positive appreciations from passing traffic but we have only had positive acknowledgements from AWE workers like this once before, after the Fukushima disaster’.

She added: ‘Could it be that they have missed us over the winter? Or that some of them really appreciate our presence? Hard to tell but it has made us feel that this is worth doing and we are longing for more local Quakers to join us.’

A Meeting for Worship will be held outside the base on a monthly basis.


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