Quaker election website goes live
A new Quaker website, called 'Quaker Vote', has been launched
The new Quaker election website, ‘Quaker Vote’, was launched on Tuesday 20 January. It was developed by Britain Yearly Meeting’s advocacy and public relations team to help Friends engage with the election and influence debate.
The site complements the Quaker election guide, a twenty-eight-page booklet which will be in all Meetings by the end of January. Over twenty different concerns are included, each with suggested questions to ask parliamentary candidates. Quaker Peace & Social Witness programme managers and listed informal groups helped with the content.
‘We hope that Meetings and individuals will use it to speak out about the issues which matter most to them. New information will be added to the website (www.quaker.org.uk/quakervote) as the election approaches and a blog will update readers on upcoming events,’ Jane Dawson, head of the advocacy and public relations team, told the Friend.