The ‘Ethics and Social Value in Business: Spring Seminar Series’ features speakers from the group’s conference in November 2020.

Quaker business group launches videos

The ‘Ethics and Social Value in Business: Spring Seminar Series’ features speakers from the group’s conference in November 2020.

by Rebecca Hardy 26th March 2021

The Quakers and Business Group has released a series of monthly videos. The ‘Ethics and Social Value in Business: Spring Seminar Series’ features speakers from the group’s conference in November 2020. The first, released on 17 March, is ‘Business towards the common good’, with Ander Etxeberria from Mondragon Corporation, a federation of worker cooperatives based in Spain. The videos will be released every third Wednesday.

Suzanne Watts from the group told the Friend: ‘This is a new initiative which we are trying to make the most of the content that came out of the “Making Values Visible” conference in November 2020’.  Subsequent talks will be on ‘Life values, living values, togetherness is the future’ (with John Holdsclaw from the National Cooperative Bank of America); ‘Six forms of wealth for a post-Covid world’ (with Rory Ridley-Duff, professor of Cooperative Social Entrepreneurship at Sheffield Hallam University); and ‘Learn from Quakers: Organising in responsible and progressive ways’ (with Stephen Allen from Sheffield University Management School).


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