126% - How much the cost of a funeral has risen in the last twenty years.

QSA flags Cost of Dying report

126% - How much the cost of a funeral has risen in the last twenty years.

by Rebecca Hardy 22nd March 2024

The cost of a funeral has risen by a greater percentage than house prices in the last twenty years, Quaker Social Action (QSA) has highlighted.

‘SunLife’s annual Cost of Dying report always makes for sobering reading,’ said Lindesay Mace, Down to Earth co-manager for QSA. The 2024 report, released in January, shows the price of a ‘basic funeral’ has risen ‘a staggering 126% in the last 20 years, more than general inflation (72%), wages (76%), or even house prices (96%)’, she said. ‘It is unsurprising therefore that the proportion of families experiencing “notable financial concerns” when paying for a funeral has also increased, for the fourth year running.’

QSA worked with SunLife on the report this year, for the first time. Across all people surveyed (1,522), one in four (twenty-four per cent) said that paying for the funeral had affected their standard of living. Of this group, over four in ten (forty-two per cent) had to cut back on essential items, like food, and nearly three in ten (twenty-seven per cent) struggled to pay their bills.


Is there an opportunity to persuade the Government to increase the Grant towards Funeral costs?

It is indefensible that a caring society puts financially-pressured families in the position that the trauma of a death is compounded by additional money anxieties. 

My understanding is that at the moment this grant is only available to people on benefits and the amount is very low AND gets clawed back from the Estate of the deceased (which I consider to be insulting).

The Government is relieved of the cost of paying a State Pension on the demise. Surely this can be balanced against paying for a decent funeral?

This seems like yet another policy dictated by the beancounters instead of humanity.

By BruceJJCadbury on 21st March 2024 - 10:38

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