Quaker Social Action are providing training for end-of-life professionals

QSA backs training for end-of life care

Quaker Social Action are providing training for end-of-life professionals

by Rebecca Hardy 25th May 2018

Quaker Social Action (QSA) representatives attended the University Hospitals of the North Midlands (UHNM) conference in Stoke last week in a bid to push their new in-house training for end-of-life professionals.

The training, ‘Raising Money and Reducing Costs for the Bereaved’, recently became available to organisations and charities on an in-house basis. Recent clients include the Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation in Pontrefract and the Marie Curie charity.

Claire Brandon, manager of QSA’s ‘Down to Earth’ project, which helps people plan affordable funerals, told the Friend: ‘The training is not just London-based so we can deliver it all over the country. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get to all the people who need our help. Funeral costs are continuing to rise… and more professionals say they are coming across people who are struggling.’

The training covers communicating with the bereaved, understanding funeral costs and statutory benefits, raising money and reducing funeral payments.


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