A Quaker charity took part in a new street festival for homeless people

QHA at homeless street festival

A Quaker charity took part in a new street festival for homeless people

by Rebecca Hardy 14th September 2018

Quaker Homeless Action (QHA) took part in a new street festival for homeless people this month.

‘Street Fest’ on 10 September included hairdressers, dentists, doctors, housing advisors and outreach groups, as well as mental health and addiction specialists. QHA took a mobile library and handed out books, reading glasses, clothes and chocolates.

Katie Calvert, project manager at QHA, told the Friend there was ‘a guy coming with a barbecue to feed 500, a women-only space and different stages with different music’.

She said: ‘The main priority is that people get the help they need, but it is also about making homeless people aware of what we do.’


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